Diamond Scholars Research Project 2011

For this project, I'm gaining a better understanding of Swissvale PA by researching oral history of the area and making plein air paintings. Paintings and memories are similar. Unlike hard facts, they are based on subjective experiences and each one is different. By combining paintings and memories, I hope to portray Swissvale in a specific, honest, and in-depth way.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I've been making drawings as I've been exploring Swissvale.  These are some of the drawings I've made so far.  I've used ink, graphite, and watercolors.

As I've been making these drawings, I've been working on ideas for larger paintings and have been exploring parts of Swissvale I've never been to before.  Swissvale is larger than I imagined, and there are many parts that have different landscapes and feels to them.


  1. this last image, the yellow house, really speaks to me. It sort of makes me think of Burchfield's Six O'Clock [http://www.magialuna.net/six.jpg]

  2. Thanks Hallie. I love making connections between different pieces of art.
