Diamond Scholars Research Project 2011

For this project, I'm gaining a better understanding of Swissvale PA by researching oral history of the area and making plein air paintings. Paintings and memories are similar. Unlike hard facts, they are based on subjective experiences and each one is different. By combining paintings and memories, I hope to portray Swissvale in a specific, honest, and in-depth way.

Monday, May 23, 2011


These are two paintings that I've made so far.  It has already been quite an experience painting outside in Swissvale.  I met a family who was building a chicken coop in their backyard for some new chickens they recently acquired.  I also met the woman who lived in one of the houses I painted.  I've explained my project to people and have received many good wishes.

I've also been preparing for collecting oral history.  I'm going to talk with a woman who has lived in Swissvale her entire life, and knows about remains of public steps that once led down the hillside to the river so people could walk to work at the steel mills.